We've made several improvements to Metaphor Lineage to make it easier to navigate large and complex lineage graphs.
Full Screen Mode
Clicking the 'Open in full page' link

Lets you navigate the canvas using the full real-estate of your browser window.

Hide Non-Prod/Incomplete/Deleted Assets
For customers that have a lot of non-prod assets e.g. tmp tables etc, the lineage default collapses these assets.

Selecting the collapsed node will display a list of those assets on the right hand side.

And if you'd like to see those nodes inside the graph you can choose the Data Asset Visibility option in the Overlay bar to enable them.

Show underlying query
Clicking on a node displays not only the underlying DDL query, but where applicable you can also see the dbt Source and Compiled query.

A similar query for SQL backed Tableau datasources also show up.