search operator lets users search by the type of asset.
Supported options :
  • type:dataset
    - match all datasets (including tables and views)
  • type:table
    - match only tables
  • type:view
    - match only views
  • type:domain
    - match all domains
  • type:document
    - match all documents
  • type:post
    - match all posts
  • type:dbt_model
    - match all dbt models
  • type:dashboard
    - match all dashboards
  • type:looker_view
    - match all Looker Views
  • type:looker_explore
    - match all Looker Explores
  • type:tableau_datasource
    - match all Tableau Datasources
  • type:power_bi_dataset
    - match all PowerBI Datasets
  • type:thought_spot_data_object
    - match all Thoughtspot Data
  • type:person
    - match all people
  • type:metric
    - match all dbt Metrics
The type operator can be used with other search operators e.g.
type:document tag:gold !author:kirit
search for all documents tagged as gold but exclude any authored by kirit
The type operator can also be used in Domain\Live Queries e.g.
show a listing of all dashboards tagged as gold
Not supported at this time :
  • Searching for notices e.g
  • Multiple multiple search terms e.g.
    type:(dataset OR domain)
  • Exclusion operator for type: e.g.